
The Message of Proverbs: Wisdom for Life is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Proverbs is the most practical book in the Bible. Its instruction in the art of living has been long tried and long proven. Its proverbial seeds of discernment are ready to be planted and rooted in the receptive soil of Wisdom’s sons and daughters today. The ancient voice of Lady Wisdom still cries out today. She summons us to the life skills of godliness and helps us say no to the...

she is portrayed not only as one of the disclosures of God’s presence in the world, but as someone who sometimes hides, and her treasures need to be searched for. Her standing at the gate is not a strategy for coercing her hearers. She comes over now more as enticing than exhorting. She needs to be sought after and looked for, like a treasure as rare as silver. The summons to hear Wisdom is really a summons to hear God. The hearers are called to discern God’s presence in the world, and give attention
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